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Most read article in 2024

Shade coffee plantations favor specialization, decrease robustness and increase foraging in hummingbird-plant networks
Ana I. López-Flores, Claudia I. Rodríguez-Flores, María del Coro Arizmendi, Víctor Rosas-Guerrero, R. Carlos Almazán-Núñez
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2024;22:24-34
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Indigenous lands and conservation units slow down non-GHG climate change in the Cerrado-Amazon ecotone
Hellen Kezia Almada, Marcia Nunes Macedo, Eddie Lenza, Leandro Maracahipes, Divino Vicente Silvério

  • CUs and ILs help regulate energy balance components, with lower LST and albedo and higher ET than multiple-use areas.

  • External pressures (deforestation, burned areas) have led to significant changes in LST and albedo over the past two decades, particularly in MUs.

  • The main predictors of changes in LST, ET, and albedo were the CUs and ILs, burned area, % native vegetation, NDVI, water deficit , and precipitation.

  • Results showed significant differences between biomes, with higher daytime LST and lower ET in the Cerrado compared with the Amazon.

  • The conversion rates of native vegetation were higher in MUs than in protected areas, , particularly in the Amazon region of Mato Grosso state.

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Available online 5 April 2024
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