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Is banning Persistent Organic Pollutants efficient? A quantitative and qualitative systematic review in bats
Priscila Stéfani Monteiro-Alves, Elizabete Captivo Lourenço, Rodrigo Ornellas Meire, Helena Godoy Bergallo

  • POPs concentrations in biological bat tissues in the Myotis in the USA decreased over the years since POPs were banned.

  • There is a paucity of studies on POPs in Neotropical bats.

  • Few studies were found on emerging POPs or on POPs recently included in the Stockholm Convention in bats.

Full text access
Available online 12 July 2024
Climate influence on future suitability of high-altitude wetlands in two natural protected areas from the Central Andes of Argentina
Bárbara Vento, Juan Rivera, Marcela Ontivero

  • High-altitude wetlands suitability will be reduced under future climate conditions.

  • Projected changes in temperature and precipitation will affect future distribution of wetlands.

  • Greater reductions in wetlands suitability are projected for elevations lower than 4,000 m.

  • Increases in wetlands suitability are projected for elevations higher than 4,200 m.

Full text access
Available online 4 July 2024
Declining representation of imperiled Atlantic Forest birds in community-science datasets
Lucas Rodriguez Forti, Ana Passetti, Talita Oliveira, Juan Lima, Arthur Queiros, Maria Alice Dantas Ferreira Lopes, Judit K. Szabo

  • Bird species of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil are threatened and declining.

  • Declines can lead to decreased detectability and fewer observations.

  • We analyzed bird data from three citizen science platforms for 2000–2022.

  • The representation of threatened and Near Threatened species decreased through time.

  • We recommend future species-specific monitoring to fill survey gaps.

Full text access
Available online 4 July 2024
Challenges for reducing carbon emissions from Land-Use and Land Cover Change in Brazil
Débora Joana Dutra, Marcus Vinicius Freitas Silveira, Guilherme Mataveli, Poliana Domingos Ferro, Deila da Silva Magalhães, Thaís Pereira de Medeiros, Liana Oighenstein Anderson, Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de Aragão

  • Brazil reached 2.8 Mha of native vegetation removal in 2022, the highest rate since 2008.

  • 15.8 Mha of Legal Reserve areas need restoration in Brazil’s private rural properties, over half in the Amazon.

  • 5.46 Mha of forest regrowth occurred in Brazil from 2016 to 2022, 40% in the Amazon and 36% in the Atlantic Forest biome.

  • Secondary forests in Brazil lack proper legislation to safeguard their carbon mitigation potential in the long-term.

  • Incentives to environmental payment, law enforcement, and legal framework needed for Brazil's 78 Mha surplus vegetation.

Full text access
Available online 28 June 2024
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation