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Articles that have received the most social media attention. Number of times they have been referenced in the last 3 years.
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We assess the effect of forest loss on bird diversity in the whole landscape mosaic.
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Forest loss decreased forest-specialist and habitat-generalist bird diversity.
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Forest loss restricted forest birds to a few sites in the landscape.
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Preserving forest cover is paramount for bird diversity in anthropogenic landscapes.
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Conservation biology literature is dominated by problem-based research.
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Solution-based papers are becoming more common along the last four decades.
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Solution-to-problem word ratio suggests greater concern with conservation action.
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Higher emphasis on solution-based research can advance biodiversity conservation.
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The lowland tapir was the most recorded species using the underpasses.
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Tapir underpass use summed more than 180 tons of biomass that crossed safely under the highway.
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Mammal species assemblages differed among use in cattle boxes and drainage culverts.
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Traffic activity on the highway peaked opposite to the activity peak of the mammals in the crossings.
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Countries with limited financial resources should consider retrofitting of existing highway underpasses.
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Review of peer-reviewed literature on biodiversity conservation in insular Caribbean between 2000 and 2015.
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On a per year base, Caribbean-based authors found in 32% of papers, accounted for 22% of lead paper authorships, represented 17% of authors per paper.
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No evidence of improvement in the above metrics over time.
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Marked differences in paper contributions among Caribbean locations, with evidence of low intra-regional collaboration.
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Two geographically partitioned haplotypes reported.
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No recent gene flow between islands.
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Results indicate good chances of Rata Island remaining rat-free after eradication.
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Fire has a strong impact in structuring the community of non-volant small mammals.
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Fire may restrict and promote the occurrence of different mammal species.
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Vegetation attributes have a fundamental role in the occupancy by small mammals.
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Fire might disrupt gallery forests’ functioning affecting keystone interactions.
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Brazil is among the three countries with the highest diversity of bird species in the Americas, but it is the first in number of threatened birds with 166 species.
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Greatest number of endangered species are recorded in the Atlantic Forest.
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79,500 ha of new areas officially protect the most endangered bird species in Brazil.
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30-40,000 Brazilian birdwatchers generating information for bird conservation.
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Global climate and land-use changes will have a serious impact on individual species and communities of hummingbirds.
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Existing protected areas showed an important reduction of surface across the species distribution and hotspot areas for future.
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A large proportion of “safe places” does not match the areas targeted for agriculture expansion in future scenarios.
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It is imperative that policy-makers promote policies that are resilient to both threats as soon as possible.
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The expansion of bat habitat generalists coupled with range contraction of bat habitat specialist will homogenize the Neotropical bat communities.
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Warm-adapted bat species might expand their ranges towards higher altitudes, while mountain-top specialists will run out of suitable climate.
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Monitoring programs will be important to track species that are predicted to become extinct and also the projected range expansion of sanguivorous bats.
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The most effective way to protect Neotropical bat species will be increasing landscape connectivity and safeguarding the refugia highlighted here.
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Domestic cats move far away from the household infrequently.
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Cats often used native forest (12% of fixes), overlapping with guignas (L. guigna).
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House proximity to forest edge (>200 m) strongly predicts the use of forest by cats.
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Land subdivision, low human care and lack of control can exacerbate cats' impacts.