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Campo Rupestre (CR) occurs in the ecotone Cerrado-Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspots.
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CR epitomizes the conflicts between exploitative and sustainable socioeconomic models.
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We propose and describe the Action Plan for the Campo Rupestre (APCR).
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The APCR aims to reconcile the socio-economic and environmental values in the CR.

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Primate, carnivores and cetacean are more prone to SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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Mutations of viral spike protein can produce virus variants favoring the spillover.
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We suggest prioritizing monitoring efforts on susceptible species here mentioned.

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Conservation practice and policy draw on information from a range of disciplines.
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A publication bias limits the dissemination of negative findings.
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This bias restricts and distorts the evidence used to inform conservation.
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Both positive and negative findings can provide valuable evidence for conservation.
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Addressing such bias requires the efforts of scientists, practitioners, policy-makers, editors and reviewers.

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Changes in Brazil's legislation threaten conservation of ironstone campos rupestres.
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There is no ecological equivalence between ironstone and quartzite campos rupestres.
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Specific offset methods are needed to avoid the destruction of ironstone ecosystems.

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Pandemics can become a new indirect driver of tropical deforestation.
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Halting illegal deforestation should be considered an essential activity during the pandemic.
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Forest fires could aggravate the health risks of COVID-19.
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Tropical deforestation will increase the risks of emerging zoonotic diseases.
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Indigenous people should be especially protected during the current pandemic.

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The lowland tapir was the most recorded species using the underpasses.
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Tapir underpass use summed more than 180 tons of biomass that crossed safely under the highway.
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Mammal species assemblages differed among use in cattle boxes and drainage culverts.
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Traffic activity on the highway peaked opposite to the activity peak of the mammals in the crossings.
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Countries with limited financial resources should consider retrofitting of existing highway underpasses.

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Eastern Brazilian montane birds shall experience range and altitudinal shifts.
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Potential displacements probably will result in local extinctions.
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Nine endemic birds should be threatened in the near future.
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Five montane regions are highlighted for conservation of endemic birds.
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Public policies and research are urgently needed for conservation of these species.

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Abnormally alopecic wild mammals may have increased in Chile between 2004 and 2008.
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The two more affected groups were foxes (Lycalopex sp.) and South American camelids.
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Testing of Andean foxes suggests that sarcoptic mange is the likely cause in this species.
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The need of further data highlights the necessity of a Wildlife Health Program.

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Riparian deforestation may strongly affect stream functioning, with consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services.
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We evaluated the effects of riparian deforestation on 1. measures of community structure using aquatic benthic invertebrates, and 2. an aspect of ecosystem functioning, aquatic leaf processing.
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Both structural and functional measures changed with riparian deforestation: invertebrate diversity decreased and metrics changed as expected of a negative impact, and leaf processing decreased.
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Thus both types of bioindicators were useful for monitoring changes and relating them to loss of biodiversity and ecosystem function.

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Human carnivory threatens one-quarter of all vertebrates.
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This is a higher impact than that of other major aspects of human ecology.
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Human carnivory impacts wild vertebrates through multiple and ubiquitous mechanisms.
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Terrestrial and freshwater species are mainly affected by livestock production and predation.
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Aquatic species are mostly affected by predation and bycatch.

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The endemic Noronha skink (Trachylepis atlantica) is strongly depredated by rats, cats and lizards at Fernando de Noronha.
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Feral cats are the main threat to endemic terrestrial wildlife and seabirds.
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Tegu lizards and black rats present strong marine signature in their tissues, probably derived from seabird colonies.
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Invasive rodents, as a food item, could be contributing to the persistence of feral cat and tegu lizard populations.

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As forest habitat loss progresses, functional overdispersion increases among related species.
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The loss of forest habitat causes the local extinction of functionally similar bird species.
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Removing functionally similar species leads to a reduction in functional redundancy.
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Competition is more important than neutral processes in small forest habitat.

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We investigated the strength of trophic cascades through bird exclusion.
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Trophic cascades are three times stronger in forest interior than modified habitats.
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Leaf damage, however, does not change with habitat modification.
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Functional redundancy of birds may offset loss in their ecological function.