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Public awareness policies needs to be more comprehensive and interdisciplinary.
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Brazilian scientists should be consulted and participate in proposing laws.
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Non bee pollinators must be considered in protective policies.
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Brazilian largest biome has the lower number of pollinator-policies.
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Policies on biodiversity protection in cities and on long-term monitoring are necessary.

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Indigenous lands can play a role in safeguarding bat diversity across the Amazon.
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Indigenous Territories harbour high numbers of threatened and data deficient species.
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Partnerships with Indigenous communities can improve bat knowledge and conservation.

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Agroecosystem management needs to be considered in landscape ecology studies.
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Three components of heterogeneity are important to characterize agroecosystems.
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Studies should include the economic gains provided by ecological farming practices.
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Studies should include social and economic components of agricultural landscapes.
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Fine spatial and temporal data are necessary to better characterize agroecosystems.

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Bidding notices for paving the BR-319 highway were recently announced.
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No environmental impact study on the effects of this project were conducted in the most preserved portion of the highway.
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Approximately 90% of the direct influence zone of the BR-319 highway is composed of pristine vegetation.
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Deforestation alerts and active fires have increased after the publishing of the bidding notices.
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This suggests the absence of a clear strategy for the sustainable development and conservation of the Brazilian Amazon.

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Certainly attention needs to be brought to the potential consequences of creating novel animal communities on disease transmission
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Bats host pathogens that cause significant human and animal morbidity and mortality.
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We highlight how to prevent, detect and mitigate vampire bats and rabies in rewilding projects.

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Probability of giant armadillo presence was associated with forests and savannas.
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In Mato Grosso do Sul, suitable habitat is heavily fragmented.
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Less suitable altered habitat presents high resistance for travel and dispersal.
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There are only 69 patches of suitable habitat ≥25 km2 in the region.
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Populations surviving in these remnants could be declining or functionally extinct.

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The Restinga is an Atlantic Forest neglected phytophysiognomy.
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2050 climatic projections show species loss may reach 19%.
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Beta-diversity heterogenization and functional homogenization are expected.
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These results warn for a critical loss of biodiversity in progress.
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The Restinga should be included in plans for adaptation to climate change.

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We assessed the effect of patch size and quality on tropical arboreal mammals
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Mammal diversity was mainly and positively related to tree basal area
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Species composition was associated with both patch size and quality
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Our findings support the high conservation value of small forest patches
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Promoting the maintenance of large trees in fragmented forests is also paramount

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Matrices influence plant diversity of inferior stratum, being higher in pastureland.
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Time since abandonment positively influences plant diversity of the superior stratum.
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Beta diversity is high at the studied highly deforested landscapes in Atlantic Forest.
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In sugarcane matrix, richness and composition were explained by landscape structure.
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In pastureland matrix, plant diversity was more related to landscape dynamic metrics.

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Small Atlantic Forest remnants are key to carnivore population connectivity.
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Stepping stones can particularly promote the dispersal of far-ranging species.
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Human activities overlap with 29%–70% of the movement corridors for carnivores.
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Only 15% of the area covered by key small forest remnants is currently protected.
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Restoration initiatives focusing on key forest remnants would benefit species movement.

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Two combined methods to predict the invasion of the acoustic niche in amphibians.
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Species distribution models predicts the establishment and spreading of the invasive species Leptodactylus fragilis in Cuba.
Optimal transmission of acoustic signals of invasive species in suitable areas might interfere with the acoustic communication of the native amphibian species, Peltophryne empusa.

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Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) is a growing problem that is often exacerbated near wilderness areas.
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Higher losses of domestic fowl in the most forested areas induced lower levels of people's tolerance towards the Black-and-chestnut Eagle.
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Mountain villages with higher human density had more human and Black-and-chestnut eagle conflict.
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Conservation actions should focus on the most forested villages where human-eagle conflict is higher.
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The implementation of a socio-ecological approach clearly improved understanding of HWC.