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Potential native timber production in tropical forest restoration plantations
Pedro Medrado Krainovic, Angélica Faria de Resende, Nino Tavares Amazonas, Catherine Torres de Almeida, Danilo Roberti Alves de Almeida, Carina Camargo Silva, Henrique Sverzut Freire de Andrade, Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues, Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:294-301

  • Most native species produced stems of reasonable quality in restoration plantations.

  • Tree growth limited the potential for timber production in ecological restoration.

  • Silviculture operations and improvement are crucial for producing native timber.

  • Logging based on growth optimized the timber production vs time relation.

  • Species-specific growth models can maximize timber production and guide harvesting.

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Business, biodiversity, and innovation in Brazil
Anna C. Fornero Aguiar, Fabio R. Scarano, Reinaldo L. Bozelli, Paulo D. Branco, Paula Ceotto, Vinicius F. Farjalla, Rafael Loyola, José Maria C. da Silva
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:6-16

  • There is room for expansion in the academic engagement with businesses in Brazil, notably in issues related to biodiversity and sustainability.

  • To tackle existing issues: offsets, licensing, and private reserves are fronts for engagement between academia and businesses in Brazil.

  • To tap into new opportunities: sustainable bioeconomy, access and benefit sharing, and environmental, social, and corporate governance are topics whereby academia-businesses partnerships in Brazil can innovate.

  • A mindset shift in academia and corporations will be required to foster sustainable businesses from a biodiversity perspective.

Open access
Effectiveness of community-based monitoring projects of terrestrial game fauna in the tropics: a global review
Yasmin Maria Sampaio dos Reis, Maíra Benchimol
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:172-9

  • We identified 52 community-based monitoring projects on game terrestrial fauna in the tropics.

  • Most of these initiatives (86%) were interrupted due the lack of funding.

  • The absence of spatio-temporal data analyses prevented the provision of information on monitored resource.

  • The empowerment and management actions were hampered by the lack of local participation.

  • Community-based approaches will be more efficient if they engage local people at all stages of the monitoring.

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Intraspecific variation of invaded pollination networks – the role of pollen-transport, pollen-transfer and different levels of biological organization
Carine Emer, Jane Memmott
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:151-63

  • The role of intraspecific variation across levels of biological organization is an unanswered question in invaded and non-invaded pollination networks.

  • Significant intraspecific variation was detected in the pollen loads and pollen deposition of the invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera.

  • Only a few individual pollinators carried large amounts of alien pollen grains, potentially function as super-spreaders driving the invading process.

  • Node and structural specialization were higher for individual-based and pollen-transfer networks in comparison to species-level and pollen-transport networks.

  • These findings shed light on the mechanisms of the (re)organization of population niches and the invasion biology dynamics scaling-up to community and ecosystem functioning.

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Biological invasions are as costly as natural hazards
Anna J. Turbelin, Ross N. Cuthbert, Franz Essl, Phillip J. Haubrock, Anthony Ricciardi, Franck Courchamp
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:143-50

  • Damage costs from biological invasions and natural hazards are of similar magnitude.

  • Global biological invasion costs increased by 702% from 1980–1999 to 2000–2019.

  • Invasion costs increased faster than natural hazard damages over time (1980–2019).

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How habitat loss and fragmentation are reducing conservation opportunities for vertebrates in the most threatened savanna of the World
João Paulo S. Vieira-Alencar, Bruna E. Bolochio, Ana Paula Carmignotto, Ricardo J. Sawaya, Luís Fábio Silveira, Paula Hanna Valdujo, Cristiano de Campos Nogueira, Javier Nori
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:121-7

  • Protecting further 6.75% of the Cerrado doubles representation of endemic tetrapods.

  • Larger priority areas for conservation are concentrated in northern Cerrado.

  • Small and m edium priority areas are scattered across southern Cerrado.

  • Our ability to represent endemic terrestrial vertebrates decreased with recent habitat loss.

  • Habitat loss precludes the representation of tetrapods in large top priority areas.

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Power lines and birds: An overlooked threat in South America
Natalia Rebolo-Ifrán, Pablo Plaza, Juan Manuel Pérez-García, Víctor Gamarra-Toledo, Francisco Santander, Sergio A. Lambertucci
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:71-84

  • Power lines are a major cause of bird mortality due to electrocutions and collisions.

  • This threat has been poorly studied in South America.

  • Scientific and grey literature suggest this threat is present in this subcontinent.

  • A total of 85 bird species from 34 families affected by power lines were identified.

  • More studies assessing bird mortality due to this threat in South America are needed.

Open access
Solving the problem of wildfires in the Pantanal Wetlands
D.B. Ribeiro, Alexandre M.M. Pereira
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:271-3

  • IFM can reduce Carbon emissions.

  • Carbon credits from the emissions avoided could worth 100 million USD annually.

  • The money from avoided emissions could finance IFM programs and restoration in the Pantanal.

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Amazon climate extremes: Increasing droughts and floods in Brazil’s state of Acre
Sonaira Souza da Silva, Foster Brown, Amanda de Oliveira Sampaio, Ana Luiza Costa Silva, Nairiane Cherlins Rodrigues Souza dos Santos, Aroldo Carvalho Lima, Antônio Marcos de Souza Aquino, Paulo Henrique da Costa Silva, ... Philip Martin Fearnside
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:311-7

  • The intensification of extreme climate events is already a reality throughout the world.

  • The state of Acre recorded 202 extreme events between 1987 and 2022.

  • The year 2010 marked a breaking point in the trend of extreme events.

  • We may be experiencing the tipping point for climate disasters.

  • These data show the urgency of implementing actions to adapt to climate extremes.

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Contrasting nation-wide citizen science and expert collected data on hummingbird–plant interactions
Camila Bosenbecker, Pedro Amaral Anselmo, Roberta Zuba Andreoli, Gustavo Hiroaki Shimizu, Paulo Eugênio Oliveira, Pietro Kiyoshi Maruyama
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:164-71

  • We extracted hummingbird-plant data from an online photograph platform.

  • Data were compared with expert collected data, available in the literature.

  • There were some similarities between citizen and expert data.

  • For the hummingbirds, overlap in plant species interacting was generally low.

  • Unstructured citizen science data can be a rich source of interaction information.

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Climate-driven loss of taxonomic and functional richness in Brazilian Atlantic Forest anurans
Paula Ribeiro Anunciação, Raffael Ernst, Felipe Martello, Maurício Humberto Vancine, Luis Marcelo Tavares de Carvalho, Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:274-85

  • Severe decline of taxonomic and functional richness of Atlantic Forest anurans are expected.

  • The negative effects (losses) will be more pronounced for taxonomic richness.

  • Forest and open habitat species will decline, calling for landscape conservation.

  • High-altitude coastal habitats, potential climatic refuges, will require dynamic conservation strategies.

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No relationship between biodiversity and forest carbon sink across the subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Kauane Maiara Bordin, Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert, Joice Klipel, Rayana Caroline Picolotto, Rodrigo Scarton Bergamin, Ana Carolina da Silva, Pedro Higuchi, Elivane Salete Capellesso, ... Sandra Cristina Müller
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:112-20

  • Secondary and old-growth subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forests are acting as carbon sink.

  • Biodiversity is not related to net carbon change in this region.

  • Subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forests should be conserved irrespective to their ages to maintain carbon sink.

  • Biodiversity and carbon-related processes should be taken as conservation targets.

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Optimal references for ecological restoration: the need to protect references in the tropics
Tiago Shizen Pacheco Toma, Gerhard Ernst Overbeck, Milton de Souza Mendonça, G.Wilson Fernandes
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:25-32

  • References are key to restoration, especially in highly threatened ecosystems.

  • Optimal references connect conservation and restoration.

  • Small remnants that serve as references can lead to landscape-scale benefits.

  • A detailed habitat classification is needed for adequate protection and restoration.

  • Ensuring optimal references protection will benefit future restoration initiatives.

Open access
Governance lessons from the Atlantic Forest to the conservation of the Amazon
Luís Fernando Guedes Pinto, Joice Ferreira, Erika Berenguer, Marcos Rosa
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:1-5

  • More than 12% of the watersheds of the Brazilian Amazon already have or are approaching natural forest cover below 30% and more than a third have below 80%.

  • Regions of the Amazon already forest cover below the average of the Atlantic Forest.

  • We propose learning policy lessons from the Atlantic Forest to avoid the same trajectory as the Amazon.

  • They need to be implemented urgently to stop the route towards its tipping point, address the climate emergency and assure the provision of ecosystem services.

Open access
Ecosystem services delivered by Brazilian mammals: spatial and taxonomic patterns and comprehensive list of species
Mariana M. Vale, Marcus Vinícius Vieira, Carlos Eduardo V. Grelle, Stella Manes, Aliny P.F. Pires, Rodrigo H. Tardin, Marcelo M. Weber, Marcio Argollo de Menezes, ... Luara Tourinho
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:302-10

  • About 82% of Brazilian mammals deliver at least one of the 11 ecosystem services (ES).

  • About 24% of the species are endemic to Brazil, where 75% them deliver at least one ES.

  • These ES are at risk, as 57% of the species have lost their ES role are endemic.

  • ES provision does not mirror the spatial patterns of mammal richness.

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A call for improving the Key Biodiversity Areas framework
Harith Farooq, Alexandre Antonelli, Søren Faurby
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:85-91

  • The KBA Standards may not be scalable to all biodiversity.

  • If everywhere can be a Key Biodiversity Area, nowhere is “Key”.

  • If any area is “Key” the assessment process is solely based on manageability.

Open access
Nature's Contributions to People (NCPs) and biodiversity hotspots: a step towards multifunctionality of conservation areas in Peru
Maricel Móstiga, Dolors Armenteras, Jordi Vayreda, Javier Retana
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:329-39

  • Peruvian Protected Areas do not adequately protect NCPs and biodiversity hotspots.

  • Multiple hotspot areas cannot be conserved in the same areas.

  • A conservation plan only focused on biodiversity may not be sufficient to preserve NCPs.

  • Identifying hotspots is the first step for achieving multifunctionality in Peruvian PAs.

  • Multifunctional PAs require to analyze overlap and relationships of NCPs and biodiversity.

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Fire reduces taxonomic and functional diversity in Neotropical moist seasonally flooded forests
María Constanza Meza, Josep María Espelta, Tania Marisol González, Dolors Armenteras
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:101-11

  • Irrespective of severity, fire reduces forest taxonomic and functional α and β diversity.

  • Fire filtered species with similar functional traits and thus increases functional homogeneity.

  • Resprouting capacity and leaf phenology (deciduousness) are two key traits that enhance post fire tree survival.

  • Fire decreases the diversity and abundance of plants dispersed by animals.

  • Fire uncouples the dominant functional traits between mature surviving trees and the seedlings that regenerate.

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Taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional responses of plant communities in different life-stages to forest cover loss
L. Rocha-Santos, D. Faria, E. Mariano-Neto, E.R. Andrade, J.A. Bomfim, D.C. Talora, M.S. Pessoa, E. Cazetta
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:136-42

  • Forest loss leads to decline in tree species richness.

  • Species richness is effective for recording biodiversity responses to deforestation.

  • Extinction debt might not be masking long-term effects of deforestation.

  • High conservation value of disturbed forests, in terms of evolutionary history.

  • Disturbed forests are partly maintaining ecosystem function now, and in the future.

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Global biogeographical patterns of ants and their abiotic determinants
Anderson Dantas, Carlos Roberto Fonseca
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. 2023;21:237-46

  • Estimated ant species richness is higher in the tropical region.

  • Estimated ant species richness was best explained by annual rainfall and mean temperature.

  • The direction and effect of abiotic determinants are relative to the zoogeographic realm analyzed, highlighting regional effects.

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Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation